Hendon Press
A new small press set up primarily to publish works translated from the Russian poet Semyon Izrailevich Lipkin
A new small press set up primarily to publish works translated from the Russian poet Semyon Izrailevich Lipkin
The Poetry Business International Book & Pamphlet Competition, now in its fourth decade, is a short collection competition run annually by The Poetry Business. this is the most prestigious competition of its kind.
The New Poets Prize is a short collection competition for writers between the ages of 17 and 24 (inclusive). This prize is run alongside the renowned International Book & Pamphlet Competition organised by The Poetry Business.
The North 63 showcases 112 poems by 65 outstanding poets, including poems by Mimi Khalvati, Stephen Knight, Fokkina McDonnell, Bernard O’Donoghue, Jane Routh, Paul Stephenson, and Cliff Yates.
These single volume poetry editions are a small part of the 200+ publications I have created for Smith|Doorstop over the last 11 year.
Four anthologies of poetry published by Smith|Doorstop/Poetry Business and designed by Utter between 2012 and 2018.
The Leeds Salon is a public discussion forum inspired by similar initiatives like the Academy of Ideas sixth-form Debating Matters competition.
The Very Selected series from The Poetry Business are three pamphlets from leading British poets, Mimi Khalvati, Michael Laskey and Michael Schmidt.
The Poetry Business, through its imprint Smith|Doorstop, produce many colourful poetry pamphlets.
Andaz Music was a short-lived website project to provide a lifestyle/music-oriented service for guests at the newly-launched Hyatt Andaz brand hotels.